CyberSleuths Course Series

One In Tech's interactive online courses - The CyberSleuths Course Series - offer a fun and educational experience at grade-level reading and comprehension levels through three current course topics and videos. These FREE Cybersecurity Educational Resources are designed to build online skills and careers!

Our Objectives

Listen to the podcast as One In Tech and our collaborator Bits N’ Bytes Cybersecurity Education discuss the issues facing all students due to e-learning needs created by Covid-19.

As e-learning for students becomes a norm, in part because of school closures due to COVID-19, the inequity within cyberspace deeply impacts student success. A lack of access, skills, and knowledge of how to remain safe while online increases the existing “achievement gap” for under-served students. CyberSleuths addresses these needs by supporting students with education and resources.

A Collaboration:

One In Tech and Bits N' Bytes Cybersecurity Education

One In Tech, an ISACA Foundation, believes in the power of knowledge - and the power of collaboration to provide knowledge. We have partnered with Bits N' Bytes Cybersecurity Education who supported the development of the CyberSleuths initiative.